BPD FP Meaning

Dr. Serena Miller
September 16, 2023
favorite person bpd
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Is your world revolving around just a single person? Without them, you feel trapped in the darkness? If so, you need to learn about “BPD FP meaning”!

Like you, many other people feel the same, and it’s because they are grappling with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). “BPD FP” encapsulates the intense emotional attachment and dependency on a person that often characterize your relationships. In this article, you’ll find a lot about the condition and helpful tips to get you out of it!


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    What Is the Concept Of “BPD FP Meaning”?

    BPD stands for “Borderline Personality Disorder,” and FP, meaning BPD’s favorite person, is someone on whom a BPD sufferer heavily depends. Without an FP, the person can’t function. He always needs a person for emotional dependence, validation, and attention. In short, such individuals have unhealthy attachments with their FPs, who can be best friends, teachers, crushes, or partners.

    The two prime symptoms of BPD are

    1.    Unstable Relationship

    Due to too much emotional dependence and the need for attention and validation all the time, the relationship with the FP gets unstable.

    2.    The Fear of Abandonment

    The fear of abandonment is a psychological condition where a BPD sufferer becomes highly anxious, insecure, and distressed by the chances of being rejected, left alone, or deserted by someone they are emotionally or romantically attached to.

    These two factors make the relationship with your FP unhealthy and irritating.

    Favorite Person – BPD Type Relationship – “They are Just My Favorite.”

    Individuals with BPD love their favorite person, but the love differs from a normal one. They are so obsessed with their FPs that the love they express is so overwhelming and out of control. The relationship is not usually romantic, but BPD sufferers always want their FPs to be available.

    On the other hand, the FP gets pissed with this obsession and wants to get out of the relationship. Ultimately, the relationship ends when the FP stops fulfilling the expectations of the BPD individual, and here’s when the darkest days of the latter begin.

    Being Someone’s Favorite Person Is Not a Choice

    One thing worth noticing is that becoming someone’s FP is neither your choice nor the other person’s will. You can’t be an FP forcefully; sometimes, without knowing, you are someone’s FP. In that case, you must understand that nothing is controllable here.

    What is a Favorite Person BPD? – “The One I Don’t Feel I Can Live Without”

    To us, a favorite person is someone we love the most and want to stay in our lives forever. Right? But to BPD sufferers, who are an FP? Let’s figure it out!

    According to BPD, FPs are the most understanding, caring, and sympathetic persons. They are the ones always available for them and provide support whenever needed. BPD individuals feel free and comfortable around them and can share whatever they want without judgment.

    To them, an FP is a person who doesn’t fight back when they get emotional. Instead, they understand their condition and try to calm them down. With time, the BPD suffers become more dependent on their FPs, believing they would rescue them.

    In this way, an FP goes from someone unknown to “the one I don’t feel I can live without.” For BPD, losing FP is unbearable.

    What Do Favorite Persons’ Offer? – “It’s Like They Are All I Need.”

    Individuals with BPD need attention and validation to believe they are not worthless. That’s what an FP offers them. When the BPD individuals get the required attention, they start depending on the person (FP) for everything in their lives. It’s a kind of support to them, but in reality, they are becoming addicted to a person badly.

    As long as the FP stays in their lives, they feel lovely. But jealousy becomes evident as the person talks to or gives attention to others. Reactions like these and others force an FP to drift away. That’s where bad days start for BPD sufferers, which can even take such individuals to depression, panic attacks, and even suicidal thoughts.

    How Can You Keep the Relationship Healthy?

    A person coming out of an unhealthy favorite person relationship on its own is quite rare. It requires efforts from both parties.

    1.    What Can Someone With BPD Do?

    Here’s a list of things a BPD sufferer can do to step out.

    • Recognize your behaviors that are making you rely on your favorite person.
    • Don’t focus on a single person. Instead, take a look around.
    • When you get upset by any of your favorite person’s actions, don’t react instantly. Take a pause first and try to understand the situation.
    • Accept that hurts are inevitable in a relationship, and you have to bear them.

    2.    What Can a Favorite Person Do?

    Here’s what a favorite person can do to keep a healthy relationship.

    • Saying yes to everything the person is saying is not obligatory. Practice saying no to set boundaries.
    • Don’t be available all the time. Instead, prioritize your schedule and other relations too.
    • Seek expert assistance.

    How to Get Help from Experts Regarding “BPD FP Meaning”?

    The therapies that work best for BPD individuals are Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You can schedule the sessions for these therapies online via BetterHelp. The platform has highly qualified, trained, certified therapists and counselors. Schedule a session with BetterHelp experts, and you’ll soon find yourself in a better position.

    Final Thoughts

    The concept of “BPD FP meaning” is all about the unhealthy relationship of dependency, addiction, and all-time support of a person. It is a Borderline Personality Disorder where a person becomes so obsessed with his favorite person that he can’t breathe without it. The absence of an FP can put BPD sufferers in depression and anxiety. CBT and DBT are vital in such a condition; you can get the therapies from BetterHelp. Log into the platform and schedule your appointment with highly trained experts.

    Author Dr. Serena Miller

    Dr. Serena Miller is a skilled psychotherapy writer with a unique ability to translate complex mental health concepts into relatable and understandable terms, making her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their mental health.