Fear of Large Objects

Dr. Serena Miller
September 29, 2023
fear of large objects
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Have you ever heard of megalophobia or fear of large objects? Do you know what triggers it and how to overcome it? If not, worry not!

Like you, many other people are unaware of the fear because they or someone close to them have never experienced it. But you can still learn about it in this article. Read it to learn about the fear and how it paralyzes an individual’s life.


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    What is Megalophobia?

    According to statistics, 8.7% of Americans are dealing with phobias.  They are a class of anxiety disorders that affect women more than men and primarily develop due to traumatic experiences from the past. Though there are many phobias, Megalophobia, simply known as the fear of huge things, is also one of them. 

    If you are living with a fear of large objects, you must visit a therapist and discuss your bad experiences with him. Not only will it help you get out of that constant anxious state, but it will also help you develop a positive attitude toward life. Thus, asking a therapist for help eases the process of conquering the fear.

    Megalophobia Symptoms 

    Now, you have a basic understanding of Megalophobia. Right? But how would you know if a person is having the fear? What are its indications? What symptoms do an individual with Megalophobia depict? Let’s find it out!

    Megalophobia is not a well-known phobia, like height or water phobia, but the anxiety it causes can seriously disturb your life. Though you can get momentary comfort by avoiding large things, it is not a permanent treatment, and when it triggers you, here’s the list of psychological and physical symptoms you will manifest. 

    • Increased heartbeat rate
    • Shortness of breath
    • Stomachache
    • Dizziness
    • Shivering
    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Sweat

    These are the most common signs of the fear of large objects.

    What Causes Megalophobia?

    What exactly causes Megalophobia is still unknown. However, various factors contribute to the dread. It is the right time to shed some light on them!

    • Exaggerated Normal Fears

    Having some level of fear of overwhelming or threatening things is pretty standard. But in the case of people with megalophobia, the anxiety is way more severe, which makes it difficult for you to live an everyday life. 

    • Big-sized Creatures

    Every entity more extensive than the actual size, like the larger-than-life sculpture of a historical person or abnormally huge animal that does not fit the typical size of a species, can trigger megalophobic individuals. 

    • Media

    Media also plays a prominent role in triggering individuals with megalophobia. Hearing about the stories of gigantic monsters or movies about creatures like Anaconda and other imaginary creatures destroying the Earth all causes fear. 

    Other than that, genes and the environment where you live also have a prominent role. For instance, if you have a family history of fear of huge things, you have definitely inherited it from your parents.

    Some other factors that trigger megalophobia include

    • Large aircraft and spacecraft
    • Monuments and statues
    • Hills and mountains
    • Rivers and oceans
    • Large vehicles
    • Giant animals
    • Skyscrapers

    What are the Treatments of Megalophobia?

    There are various coping methods and therapies that assist people in overcoming Megalophobia. Some of them are:

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing your negative thoughts and patterns. The therapist guides you through multiple sessions to help you understand the problem and overcome your worries. The result of the therapy is you feel less anxious and stressed.

    • Exposure Therapy

    One of the most common strategies effective against phobias is exposure treatment. Megaphobics usually avoid entities that cause anxiety, and exposure therapy targets this weak point directly. 

     During the treatment sessions, you are repeatedly exposed to the cause of the phobia. Doing this over a while immunizes you against the triggers such as mountains, large animals, etc.

    In simple words, exposure therapy targets the source of the problem by progressively exposing you to uncomfortable situations to make them more comfortable for you. 

    • Relaxation Techniques

    In addition to other therapies, the therapist will suggest some relaxation techniques that will make you more comfortable around the items that previously were the cause of fear. 

    Online Treatment of The Fear of Large Objects 

    Do you want to get over the megalophobia but don’t want an in-person visit to the therapist? Worry not! BetterHelp is the best virtual counseling option for you. It is a USA-based platform with highly qualified and trained therapists. 

    Besides, it is a cheap, easily accessible, and quite effective solution. You can get in touch with your therapist 24/7 once you get registered on the platform. So, register yourself on BetterHelp, schedule meetings with the experts, and say goodbye to megalophobia.

    Price Comparison of In-person Therapy vs. BetterHelp Online Therapy

    Generally, online therapies are equally effective as in-person ones but are less expensive. Let’s compare the price of in-person therapy near you and online therapy from BetterHelp to check which one is more pocket-friendly!

    The price of face-to-face megalophobia therapy ranges from $100 to $200 per session. On the other hand, the cost of BetterHelp’s weekly sessions is between $60 to $90 and $240 to $360 for four live sessions, making it a cost-effective solution.

    Wrapping It Up 

    Megalophobia, or the fear of huge things, is not so well-known among the general public, but those living with it have no life. The dread and anxiety attacks have destroyed their lives. Fortunately, in-person and virtual sessions by BetterHelp are available for such individuals. Expert certified therapists conduct both sessions and are highly effective. After taking them, you will notice a visible change in your thoughts and behaviors. Your approach towards life will change, and you will start enjoying your life. 


    Author Dr. Serena Miller

    Dr. Serena Miller is a skilled psychotherapy writer with a unique ability to translate complex mental health concepts into relatable and understandable terms, making her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their mental health.